Seaward Europa not keeping the date/time

If your Seaward Europa or Ethos 9500 PA Tester (PAT tester) isn't keeping the time or date it probably means the backup battery has died. It's a simple fix but please note -
Taking your tester apart will invalidate your calibration!

Okay that's got that out of the way. Now I'll show you how to do it. You'll need the following tools:-

Cross Head screwdriver
Soldering iron
A new battery. 3V lithium with solder tags. I used a Panasonic CR-1220/HFN from RS (513-2837) at £2.08

First, turn you Europa upside down on your workbench. Remove the 7 screws holding the case together

Lift off the base revealing the bottom of the main circuit board

Main Board

Carefully fold the main board back towards the top of the Europa and unplug the plug shown arrowed.

Lift Board

This will reveal the battery board.The battery is shown with a black arrow. Disconnect the two plugs shown with the yellow arrows.

Battery Board

Turn the battery board over. The battery solder pads are shown arrowed. The battery should be 3v. It's not!




Time to remove the battery (make a note of which is + and - ) then solder the new battery in.


You should end up with this.


Re-assemble the Europa. Plug it in and you should see this screen. Set the date and clockand you are done.

Usual disclaimer - if you do this and something goes wrong you are on your own! I accept no resposibility at all!!

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